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The Most Holy Theotokos is portrayed by a pierced seven arrows. The Immaculate Virgin is spelled with swords pierced into Her heart - three on the right and four on the left. The number "seven" in the Holy Scripture usually means the completeness, redundancy of something, and in this case - the fullness and boundlessness of that grief, sorrow and "heart disease" experienced by the Mother of God during Her earthly life. The icon depicts the evangelical narrative of how on the fortieth day of the Nativity of Christ the righteous Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary brought the God-servant to the temple for performing ceremonies on him according to the law of Moses. They were met in the church by the holy elder Simeon, who announced to the people present that the Child is the promised Messiah, and the Mother of God predicted the coming suffering, saying that "Her arms will pass her soul".
The prophecy came true when the Blessed Virgin stood at the Cross of Her Divine Son. The image was found in the church of St. John the Divine near Vologda. For a long time she was at the turn of the staircase of the bell tower of the church. Face-down icon was taken for an ordinary board, on which we walked, until there was a vision for the relaxed in the city of Kadnikovo, that he would receive healing after praying before this icon. Before the newly acquired icon, a moleben was served, after which the patient recovered. Many more years have passed, generations have been replaced, this miracle has already been forgotten, but in 1830 the Vologda province, like most of European Russia, suffered a terrible cholera epidemic. During this time, the shrines from Toshnya were transferred to Vologda and placed in the "cold" (summer) church of Dmitry Prilutskiy on Navolok, in Vologda Zarechye, to the right of the main city bridge. Then the Christ-loving inhabitants of Vologda turned to the "Seven" and together with other shrines enclosed Its solemn procession around the city. Cholera retreated as suddenly, as she had come.
In memory of the miraculous deliverance of Vologda from cholera, the townspeople ordered and placed in the Dmitrievskaya church a list with "Semistrelna", from which, in time, miracles also began to happen. "Soften our wicked hearts, O Virgin Theotokos, and quench the adversaries' hatreds and solve all the closeness of our souls" - the lines of this troparion are placed on the reverse side of the native icon framed by the script. The reverse side of the miniature suspension is solved as the back side of the icon board. The icon can be offered to all who would like to constantly remember the sufferings of Christ and the Most Pure Virgin Mary on Calvary or pray for the reconciliation of family enmity. Before the icon pray for healing from cholera, limp and relaxation, about pacifying the warring and about softening the evil hearts.
The values of the Seven-Sire Icon of the Mother of God and the "Softening of Evil Hearts" are quite similar to each other. However, the first icon shows four and three arrows on each side, on the second one - three on the left and on the right, and one on the bottom. In the practice of prayers, there is no distinction between these images, since they refer to a single iconographic type.
The meaning of the arrows of the seven-pointed icon of the Mother of God is symbolic - the seven arrows that pierce the heart of the Virgin, depict her deep sorrow associated with the crucifixion of Christ. They symbolize the fullness of sorrows, which the Mother of God suffered in earthly life.
The Meaning of Prayer The seven-sided icon of the Mother of God is to soften the hearts of the enemies, to calm them, to send them patience, and to reconcile the warring parties.
During the war, this icon was prayed that the defenders of the homeland did not touch the weapons of the invaders. Strict rules as to where to hang the Seven-Sister Icon of the Mother of God, does not exist. You can install it in the home iconostasis or hang in front of the entrance to one of the rooms in the house, preferably the main one.
It is possible to give preference to the suspension of the Seven-Sire Icon of the Mother of God, so that the amulet always protects from the evil of enemies and their own unkind thoughts.
If you want to purchase a unique suspension of the icon of the Seven-Sire of the Mother of God, find out what its meaning is, what helps - give preference to the products of the artist Vladimir Mikhailov. He creates exclusive jewelry, each of which is a masterpiece of jewelry art. To buy orthodox images in the studio of Vladimir Mikhailov is worth it, since they all differ in traditional design, but at the same time with original performance and an affordable price.